Author’s profile: Mbulelo Vizikhungo Mzamane became the first post-apartheid Vice Chancellor at the University of Fort Hare. He is the author of Mzala, Children of Soweto, Children of the Diaspora, and a children’s book, The Race between the Turtles and the Cheetahs. He is editor of Selected Poems: Mongane Wally Serote, Selected Poems: Sipho Sydney Sepamla, Hungry Flames and Other Black South African Stories, and Words Gone Two Soon: Tribute to PhaswaneMpe and K. Sello Duiker. He is co-editor of Global Voices: Contemporary Literature from the Non-Western World. His scholarly publications include Images of the Voiceless: Essays on Popular Culture and the Media (with J. Haynes and A. Bamikunle) and Multicultural Education in Colleges and Universities (with H. Ball and S. Berkowitz). He was commissioned by the Southern African Democracy Education Trust to edit Road to Democracy in South Africa, Volume 2, 1970-1980 (2006) and a companion volume South Africans Telling their Stories.