Dr Tshepo Mvulane Moloi: The 30th ‘International Writers Day’, on Sunday 7 November 2021 was organised as part of the signature annual events by wRite associates. This year’s local revelries for the 30th ‘International Writers Day’ on Sunday 7th November 2021 was once again organised as part of the signature annual events by wRite associates, a brainchild of Morakabe ‘Raks’ Seakhoa and Sindiswa Seakhoa. In his capacity as Managing Director of
By Kanya Mbuzane Following an exhaustive process of adjudication, the South African Literary Awards (SALA) is proud to announce the short list for its 2021 edition. The list reflects the leaps and bounds the country has taken since the inaugural ceremony held at the Durban International Convention Centre, Kwa-Zulu Natal, on the 5th March 2005 in honour of South Africa’s world-renowned scholar, author, eminent yet unsung poet of majestic epics
MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release: 08/11/2021 Issued by: wRite associates SALA Inaugural Regional Poets Laureate Announced The South African Literary Awards (SALA) inaugurated the Regional Poet Prize on the International African Writers’ Day, 7th November 2021, at a virtual ceremony held in Johannesburg. The Eastern Cape and Limpopo provinces’ Ronelda Kamfer and Themba Patrick Magaisa, respectively, scooped the coveted prize. The two poets laureate, Kamfer and Magaisa, who write in
Mulaudzi nominated for a 2021 SALA
MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release: 30/09/2021 Issued by: wRiteassociates SALA announces the 2021 Short List. Download 2021 Short List
Media Statement Released by the wRite associates 03/05/2021 THE 2021 SOUTH AFRICAN LITERARY AWARDS (SALA) CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS CLOSES ON 7TH MAY 2021 This is a final reminder for the submission of nominations for the 16th South African Literary Awards. The closing date is in three days’ time: 24H00, midnight on 7th May 2021. Until this time, nominations may still be submitted through our online submissions platform on www.sala.org.za. Responses
Media Release Released by the wRite associates 10/03/2021 DEADLINE EXTENSION OF THE 2021 SOUTH AFRICAN LITERARY AWARDS (SALA) CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS TO 7TH MAY 2021 The closing date of the 16thSouth African Literary Awards has been extended to the 7th May 2021. “This is to allow more time to facilitate the submissions for the new category, the Regional Poet Laureate Prize, which will include the selection of the Provincial Poets
Media Release Released by the wRite associates 21/01/2021 THE 2021 SOUTH AFRICAN LITERARY AWARDS (SALA) CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW OPEN The wRite associates, in partnership with the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC), invite South African writers to submit qualifying literary works for the 16th South African Literary Awards (SALA). Fresh from marking 15 years of her epoch-making existence of celebrating and promoting South Africa’s literary talent, this
A Giant Has Fallen The South African Literary Award (SALA), an initiative of the wRite associates, express our heartfelt condolences at the passing on of Dr Aaron Gubudla Malindzisa, aged 76. Dr Malindzisa has been a member of the SALA family as both an Afrikaans and Siswati languages Adjudicator since 2006. Malindzisa was a prolific Siswati author of both short and long fiction, linguist, literary, translator, adjudicator and one of
SALA CELEBRATES 15 YEARS OF ADVANCING OUR LITERARY HERITAGE: THE 2020 SHORTLIST IS ANNOUNCED Celebrating 15 years of growth and exhilarating success, the South African Literary Awards (SALA), announces the 2020 shortlist of nominees today. The list of nominees reflects the transformative nature not only of SALA, but the country’s literary community. The potpourri nature of the country provides a canvas on which writers manage to paint beautiful pictures without