Miriam Tlali Reading and Book Club joins the world in celebrating Africa Month, 26th May 2019, at 13H00 to 15H00, 74 Mimosa Road, Randpark Ridge, Johannesburg

The month of May is recognised as Africa month – a time when the continent of Africa commemorates the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU). Celebrated on the 25th May, Africa Day signals the anniversary of the formation of (OAU) in 1963, giving the people of Africa an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices of many and raise a glass to freedom and liberation from colonial imperialists and apartheid.

As part of celebrations the Miriam Tlali Reading and Book  Club will bring together book lovers in the reading and discussion of Sankomota: An Ode in One Album book by Phehello J Mofokeng, on the 26th of May 2019.

The Club’s primary goal has always been to cultivate the reading and writing culture in the country.

Sankomota: An Ode in One Album – A Reflective Essay is the result of many years of research and obsession about the music and band of Sankomota. The book is a slim offering of insights into an album recorded in Lesotho, Sankomota by the band Sankomota. Recorded in 1983, this album became an instant classic.

Mofokeng’s essay touches on mythology, performance, language and politics of this important band that was at the frontier of anti-apartheid and freedom music.

In this essay, Mofokeng attempts to paint a broad image of the musical landscape of the time and unveil the musical obsessions of Sankomota.

Lorraine Sithole, book reviewer and founder of Book Worms Book Club will facilitate the event.

Africa Month seeks to increase the appreciation and demand for arts and culture goods and services and to stimulate competitive markets for trade among African countries.  It is a celebration of what it means to be African, to deepen and expand our knowledge, engage in cultural exchange, sharpen our ideas, and also to face our continental destiny together.

The Miriam Tlali Reading and Book Club, is a legacy programme under the South African Literary Awards (SALA), founded, managed and co-ordinated by the wRite associates, was established in 2009. The programme aims to celebrate and honour the life, times and the contribution of this prolific woman who has written extensively and has made history by being the first South African black woman writer to publish a novel in English.

The Miriam Tlali Reading and Book Club define themselves as a place for those who read for pleasure, knowledge, enlightenment and fulfilment, while also celebrating the social aspects of reading.

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