Youth Literature Award 2025 Twitter Please note all the information requested in this form is compulsory. Failure to submit all information will result in the submission being disqualified. Category * Choose the nomination category Youth Literature Award 1. Nominee information: Name and surname of nominee: * Title of nominee Choose title of nominee Mr. Ms. Dr. Prof. Adv. Age of nominee * Telephone number of nominee Cellphone number of nominee * Email address of nominee * Postal or physical address of nominee * 2. Submission information Titles of book * Language: * Year of publication * 3. Authors short profile Please type authors short profile 4. Motivation to support the nomination: * 5. Details of the nominator Name and surname * Telephone Cellphone * Email address * 6. Endorsement:I/we (the author/publisher) name and surname * declare that, should any matter pertaining to plagiarism arise around the work submitted, I/we shall take full responsibility to respond and deal with the matter until its finality and confirm that the South African Literary Awards cannot be held liable in this regard. date * 7. Submission Checklist Please tick Agree to confirm that you have read, understood and adhere to the rules. I have read and understood the submissions criteria * Agree I have included all the contact details requested * Agree The book I am submitting has never been entered before for the SA Literary Awards * Agree I will be sending copies of the books * Agree This nomination has been entered for one category only * Agree The submission has been endorsed accordingly * Agree I understand that late submissions will not be accepted * Agree I understand that the judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into * Agree I understand that all submitted entries, whether successful or not, will not be returned to the submitting party * Agree Back